Today I decided to find my old watercolors. I am happy I did. First time for a very long time I finished a water color painting and I enjoyed it. My red sassy boots are looking pretty good 🙂
56. My Sassy Red Boots
Watercolor Posted on January 9, 2015 18:41- Comments(0)
55. Je suis Charlie
Digital Posted on January 8, 2015 01:11After the terror attack at Charlie Hebdo in France today, I did not want to make yet another drawing of some random model. I saw a photo of protesters in France, holding up pens and I liked the image and the message. So I combined practicing drawing hands with this. Je suis Charlie!
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54. Shapes of Shadows
Digital Posted on January 7, 2015 00:04 Higher resolutionToday´s work was another figure drawing. The hat was so much harder than I thought it would be. All in all I liked how this one turned out. Her expression is not totally dead on – but its fairly close. Instead of doing the usual cross hatching shadows I experimented with drawing thin lines at the edges of shadows. It was good practice in seeing the shapes of the shadows, related to practicing seeing negative space. I kinda like this style I ended up with, even if it’s not as 3 dimensional as when I do the cross hatching properly.
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53. Left Handed Drawing
Croquis Posted on January 5, 2015 19:46At today´s drawings I used the same resource as yesterday. Today though I was in a silly mood, so I went for all the fast poses using only my left hand.
I haven’t had to write or draw anything with that, since I broke my right arm in the last Millennium! It was so funny doing this, and I did not care one bit if the result was pretty, I just had great fun with the task. For the last, longer pose I switched to my right hand. That one is OK, but I still think the others are way more fun.
Higher resolution
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52. More Figure Drawing
Croquis Posted on January 4, 2015 22:03More croquis drawing. For these I varied the timing for the poses a lot. It was so much fun drawing the woman with the insanely long hair. The shorthaired one today was really really hard since she was muscular and kinda squarish so I kept drawing her too masculine. It was a challenge, but I still like how it turned out in the end.
For all of these I used the Croquis Cafe on Youtube. A great free resource of human models to choose from and I can draw whenever I feel like it. It has less of the “perfect model picture” syndrom my other croquis resource was driving me nuts with, plus it names the models and each session has severel poses with the same model. I like that, it makes the drawings more engaged, I think.
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51. A New Year of Drawing
Croquis Posted on January 2, 2015 00:34 Today I went back to the figure drawing. I am fairly pleased with how it turned out for 5 mins work. Here’s to a lot of drawing in 2015!
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50. Dancing
Digital Posted on December 9, 2014 10:49 I wanted to make a drawing with lots of movement and a couple dancing. But I had a hard time finding good references. So I asked someone to help me find references for people dancing. And she was absolutely amazing, finding some awesome videos of people dancing wildly. How can I not be inspired by this.
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49. The Treasure Chest
Drawing Posted on November 25, 2014 20:57 I thought the treasure on board the Alcandora needed an illustration too. So here it is.
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48. Croquis Cafe
Croquis Posted on November 18, 2014 15:53I found a new croquis site on Youtube. The models are a lot less pretty models and a lot more normal people. I like that, it’s so much more fun to draw. Each session is 4 one mins poses, 4 two mins poses and one longer pose in the end. That one is supposed to be 5 mins, but I stop the video to finish it off so it’s more like 5 -7 mins really.
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47. The Alcandora
Drawing Posted on November 4, 2014 21:12 My brother sailed with Georg Stage, a Danish training ship, years back. There’s just something very fascinating about the old tall ships. I would like to be good at drawing them. This was great fun to make and did not take long. I think I worked for around half an hour including PhotoShop magic applied.
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