Today I made this water color mouflon skull. I wasn’t sure if I liked it for a very long time, while I worked on it. Colors flowed together in ways I had a hard time controlling. Textures I attempted to make did not turn out as expected.
But I think I am slowly learning to never give up on a piece. If it looks bad it’s often just a matter of pushing through that phase. Keep working on it, seeing where to add a bit of light or shadow or contrast to find what it was missing.
On this piece the background really tricked me. On my reference photo, that I shot once at a viking fair, there were thick bushes and trees in the background with quite strong light and shadows.
But all that greenery just looked flat in my painting, until I dared add very dark tones, even black. Then it all looked like mud. I tried adding droplets of water on the dried green surface, lifting off some color and creating a flowery effect in the background. That did help create some interesting textures and add some life to it.
Somehow in the end, when the skull was done too, and I added a bit of white gel pen and black ink, it somehow all came together. Now it’s one of my favorite paintings 🙂