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My Art Workshop

Step into my world of creation.

Embarking on this blog since 2014, I’ve curated a visual chronicle of my imaginative endeavors. Here, you’ll uncover my kaleidoscope of raw work each narrating a chapter of my artistic evolution as I hone my skills and grow as an artist. 

August 22 - 2023



|-- 2023 - 2017 --| page 27page 26 - page 25

|-- 2017 - 2016 --| page 24 - page 23 - page 22page 21 - page 20page 19 - page 18

|-- 2016 - 2015 --| page 17 - page 16 - page 15

|-- 2015 - 2014 --| page 14page 13 - page 12 - page 11 - page 10 - page 9 - page 8

|-- 2014 - 2013 --| page 7 - page 6 - page 5 - page 4 - page 3page 2 - page 1

253. The Animation Workshop Summer Course in Classical Drawing

Croquis Posted on January 7, 2022 21:17

Days on end doing little but drawing for an entire week. This was incredibly dense teaching but also so interesting and fun. I drew hundreds and hundreds of drawings – some took 10 seconds, some took hours. The most fun was the fast paced Croquis where you end up nearly getting to some sort of drawing ‘Zen’. I loved it, thank you so much mom for gifting me this course <3 Here is just a tiny part of the drawings I produced during the week.

229. Croquis #4

Croquis Posted on February 23, 2018 23:01

A lady sitting opposite me at the Croquis Class. She did not move much, so I had plenty of time to draw her.

I had left my coal at home, so I was experimenting with color pencils and crayons for this session.

Today was a wonderful sunny day. Since it is February, nice weather is usually a rare thing and next week we shall be looking at Siberian winter. I went to photograph these drawings outside in the bright sunshine. Because I had had time to study this model’s face a bit closer I really like a few of my portraits of her. So I polished the drawings a bit and here they are.

226. Croquis Watercolors #3

Croquis Posted on February 23, 2018 18:34

A few weeks back we had this really fun model…

I very much enjoyed creating all these fast sketches of him. I think they turned out pretty good too. I did not have enough time to color them all during class, so I continued working back home.

225. Croquis and Goblin Week

Croquis Posted on January 22, 2018 22:25

I had a wonderful time playing with charcoal pencils and water colors. I really like the colored results this time. I think I found a technique I want to pursue with this.
A little over a week ago I went for a walk in a wonderful icy – almost unreal – beautiful forest that I am lucky to live nearby.
There is always some tiny wonder to see there. As soon as I stepped into the forest, I was faced with the forest guard: The biggest – most marvelous and slightly scary – living bright yellow blob. Later I learned it was a “Bævresvamp” – some kind of fungis. His long formal name is “Tremella mesenterica”, but who wishes to be so formal when joining the Wood Goblin Winter Festival? He was so big and so yellow, that my camera refused to capture his brightness. I got a nice photo of his much smaller cousin that you see here under.
The guard pointed out the direction to take. Soon I met up with “Træløberen”, the tiniest little cutie of a bird, rushing up and down the trees. You might know her as “Eurasian treecreeper”. I was mesmerized. I had never seen that species before. I think I snatched at least a hundred photos. 200 meters in the forest and I had already encountered two tiny miracles!
It did not end there though. Again and again I stumbled on shapes and shadows in the fantastic light of sunshine through icy fog and old crooked trees. Soon it all grew to be wonderful wood goblins of all imaginable kinds, dancing, stumbling, sneaking and creeping through the woods.

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I had a great time with them. Until the mother of the woods poked my shoulder and went “Thank you for your visit, it was a blast! Now go home, shoo!” There are not that many creatures of that forest I would obey instantly. But when the huge powerful mother of all the magic pokes your shoulder, you do obey! So I packed away my camera, waved to her and her pet raven and turned back to my car still entirely enchanted.
As it turned out, Rasmus needed me at home, so the mother of the wood had been right – it was time to leave. I have so many fun photographs of the wood goblins, so today I turned one of them into a digital drawing.

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224. Croquis

Croquis Posted on January 10, 2018 00:26

My Croquis course started tonight! I joined over 20 enthusiastic artists and a model for a few hours of intensive creation. It’s always so much fun and so motivating and inspiring to draw with other people. And getting the chance to draw a live model is really really great. The first fast sketches I went for just capturing gesture, but the later poses I took a few moments to study anatomy of specific body parts too.

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The poses were timed at 1 – 7 minutes. As I was wandering the room in the last break to study what other people had been doing I was so inspired by a lady who had gone for drawing with pastels. I had some watercolors in my bag, so I went for a bit of water and whipped those out with a brush and a lot of good faith to see where that would get me.

I had a lot of fun with it and I like the results of the fun playtime too. I am looking forward to next weeks class 🙂

197. Back to Figure Drawing

Croquis Posted on May 9, 2017 21:31

Today I continued my project on figure drawing. As I have done before I went to the Croquis Cafe on Youtube. It’s a great resource for artists. This time though I ignored the timed poses and just paused the video at each pose to get it drawn as accurately as I could. I need to figure out how the parts fit together properly before I can move on to the fast drawings.

So here they are, ten poses done.

159. Croquis Cafe Session

Croquis Posted on January 12, 2017 15:19

Another day of figure drawing. Today I decided to focus a bit less time on finishing a whole Croquis Cafe session and instead have a bit of fun with one of the fast drawings. This model had the most amazing super long hair and it lent a lot of expression to play with in the drawings.

154. Croquis Cafe and Viking Art

Croquis Posted on January 7, 2017 16:46

The past couple of days I did a few Croquis Cafe sessions.

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Today I drew a Viking Age cloak pin from Hedeby (Haithabu). I got a photo of the piece at Moesgaard Museum a few years back. The piece is tiny. It is bend and scratched and exhibited in a very dark room with many other treasures. It’s very easy to overlook when visiting the museum.

I love Moesgaard Museum and have visited many times the past years so by now , when I visit, I have the time to take a closer look at the less prominent exhibited items. This little cloak pin is now one of my favorites. It was difficult to draw and paint as the material is so varied, almost earthy in some places and then shiny golden in others. Behind all the wear and tear it is clear, that this little piece is richly ornamented with a fierce dragon head.

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130. Croquis Cafe 138

Croquis Posted on February 7, 2016 13:45

Yesterday I had fun experimenting with anatomy doing another of the Croquis Cafes on Youtube. I did number 138 which is technically cheating my own system, since I am doing them in sequence and I have done number 72 – 80 by now. But I got tired of drawing naked ladies, so I went for Dwayne here instead.

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76. Playing with Colors and Life Drawings

Croquis Posted on May 5, 2015 11:41

Playing around with some of the drawings from my weekend course, I ended up with this version that I really like.
Today I also did a bit of life drawing.

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