I’m technically challenged today I think.
I was ready to do the quickposes and attacked the first pose with enthusiasm. I drew like crazy and kept drawing and thought: ”Wow! I am getting good at this!” As time went by, I had to realize that it was not really me, who had got much faster. I had forgotten to set a time limit in the pose sketching program. So the first reference picture just showed on my screen forever, instead of switching to the next picture, when time was up. I ended up doing a rather slow quickpose.
Still I had decided to do quickposes today. So, soon I was at it again. Around 60 poses from Quickposes.com. I thought I was in a terrible hurry today. No wonder. I had set the program to switch reference every 30 sec instead of the 60 sec I usually do. I did not notice until I was all done 😀
Now I just have to do the assignment my kid gave me: “Watch a James Bond movie, pause it somewhere with action and draw the scene.” Cool idea huh?