I have for a while wanted to dip my feet into painting – real painting. I know watercolors fairly well by now, but I had watched a few people working with gouache in Youtube and it looked really interesting. So this is my first attempt doing gouache: A helmeted guineafowl that I saw during our trip to South Africa almost a year ago now.

I learned that gouache is insanely hard to control! It is supposed to be possible to paint in layers, so that you can paint light over dark. Well…it is possible, but watch out! Water reactivates the layers underneath. If you do more than a couple of brush strokes, you will end up with a muddy grey cake paint. I fought this piece every step on the way. The super cheap paper in my sketchbook definitely buckled up noticeably, so next time I need better paper. In spite of that I very much like the result 🙂