A month ago I, when I discovered that there was going to be a Blood Moon, I planned to stay up and catch it. Yesterday evening the event was finally here.

So after midnight when the show started, I had the camera ready to play and experiment. The Earth shadow started to move in over the Moon and it looked very strange. I had expected the Moon to be bright red, but that was not really the case. The sky was all clear and the stars were shining so brightly, but the Moon took more a brownish muddy color. I was not sure how that photography event was going to end.

But when I finally went inside, I had a few photos that were fine. The surprising and exciting thing about those were, that when I got them to my computer and looked at them, the Moon was indeed bright orange and red!

One photo was slightly better and more sharp than the others so I’ll show it here. I have adjusted the sharpness, but I haven’t touched the colors. An amazing sight!

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