I watched one of Holly Exley’s vlog posts on Youtube today. She is an illustrator I follow, who specializes in drawing vegan food. I bought one of her prints not long ago since I absolutely love how she paints plants in water colors. It’s now on my wall in my living room 🙂
I felt so inspired to draw by her video that I sat down to sketch a bit in my usual super cheap sketchbook, I did not really have an ambition of making a finished colored piece. I just wanted to do a bit of scribbling. But Holly’s work inspired me to bring out my water colors and play with a sketch of an old photograph of Hollyhocks I took last summer.
It’s looking nothing like what Holly makes, which I suppose is good, since then it’s my own style. But I did experiment with the green colors, using a lot more blues than I normally would have. I quite like the result.