Continuing the South Africa animal theme. I found this photo of the amazing secretary bird in a random google search and I just knew I had to paint it. I tested a watercolor technique where sprinkling salt over the wet paint will create a nice interesting effect. I like how that turned out. As it turned out we were super lucky to spot one of these in South Africa when we went on Safari there later this year. In the car going back home from Funen I was trying to use my Ipad as a drawing tool. Let’s just say that is a challenging tool! My first drawing disappeared with no trace before I got to save it. And the next one…, well after many curses and attempts to edit and correct and redraw and work around Ipad bugs and road bumps until the thing went out of power, I ended up with this for the Sketchdaily theme “Candles”. Not my best work ever, but I got to play with a tool I am very far from comfortable with and it was fun in the end. It was an experiment in a completely new media 🙂
169. Secretary Bird
Watercolor Posted on February 18, 2017 11:05- Comments(0)