Another drawing for “Februar i Farver“. I struggled with this one for a long time. I started it at my drawing class this morning, just sketching the hand and inking it. Then back home I wanted to color it, as I had done with the previous drawings for the challenge. It did not work. As I colored it, it just turned into a weird mix between mud in a puddle and a drawing in some bible for a strange religion. I hated it and I was so close to starting all over, going for another pretty nude lady.
But yesterday I had watched a youtube video with a wise artist. His said that he had never ever given up on a piece of art even having to struggle for long.
So I told myself to not give up on the damn thing. I could not do much about the mud phase though. More color would just muddy it up even worse. Taking off color was impossible at that stage. So I ended up cursing at it and bringing it to my pc to work on it digitally.
Finally at this point I reached a version I am OK with.