In Tumblr I learned there is an expression called “Inktober”. Artists come together to produce a drawing each day in October – only using ink. Now I am a bit late for the party, but I decided I could still join.
I have wanted to draw this lady since around 7th grade. My teacher then gave us a small collection of black and white portraits for practicing drawing, and I have kept that ever since.
This lady is in the front page of the collection. I never tried draw her before today. She is hard to draw, and I knew she would be. I decided she should be the first project of my Inktober, since we were practicing portraits at my Wednesday drawing class anyway.
I was far from finished when class was over, so I had to bring her home to finish – with my kid as judge. “Mom, I think she needs more shadow there, and her eye should be like this, and her hair more curly…” He is really good at seeing where the problem areas are.
Despite the fact I accidentially dripped ink on her white forehead not once, but trice I ended up with a lady, I like 🙂