I have decided to practice drawing people. Both my own photographs and the photos from my grandmothers old albums are excellent as references. The people are my family, and the settings and fashions are interesting and charmingly old-fashioned.

I decided to forbid myself to draw with the pointy end of my pencil today. That way I could not draw the meticulously perfect lines. When I could draw only with the side of the pencil, I had to use my shoulder instead of my wrist. Drawing from the shoulder is a good way of getting more confident lines.

Larger resolution
In the end I had a person in my sketchbook. I need to ask my mom which uncle I drew. I think it is uncle Ejner, but it might be uncle Peter. Fun fact: Ejner and Peter were both farmers and they were brothers. They married two sisters, aunt Johanne and aunt Karen, my grandmothers older sisters 🙂