Spring sun is out today again. It’s Sunday and the camera needed exercising. My kid and I went for a walk, where we found BMX riders plunging with warp speed to their near deaths in the nearest abandoned huge gravel pit.
Some of the riders were getting through the marked track with impressive jumps and landings on two wheels at the finish line. Some of them ended up plowing the ground – head first. Good thing they were wearing helmets, though it still looked painful.
I have learnt today that action photos require shutter speeds around 1/800 in a sunny day to not get blurry. I wish I had learnt that sooner than by my last pictures today! Still I got a few acceptable shots of the daredevils.
Later I caught a couple of random critters in my driveway: Bumblebee and a sparkling young European peacock. I am happy we spotted it. Last year the peacocks were sorely missing in my garden, but perhaps they will be back this year 🙂