We went to Arles today. I visited that city three times, and still I could barely recognize it, when we went there today. It seemed so large and busy compared to when I went there by interrail and later by bike and stayed at the camp site. The city center is still tiny narrow streets with colorful windows, flowers, cafés and washing lines. We strolled around the city, and I had fun taking photographs.
We found the yellow café, which Vincent van Gogh painted. It was drowning in a swarm of tourists, but we saw it 🙂
The Roman arena is an amazing build that used to hold up to 20.000 people. It is being carefully restored to its former glory, but as it is still in use today. The builders are facing a challenge to rebuild a roman ruin with modern facilities and security. These days the forum only holds around 12.000 people, which is still pretty impressive.
And finally on our way home I caught them, the white Camargue horses in their natural habitat. Foals are born black and change to white coat around 5 years of age, so meeting a herd of horses will show all kinds of color variations from black over grey to white.