I went for a walk today and found a truely sad roadkill. The prettiest grass snake I ever saw. They are rare in Denmark and non venomous. This one was 40-50 cm long, beautifully black, going nearly cobalt blue on the sides with bright yellow spots on the neck. And stone cold dead it was. I felt sad. It’s soon Winter and I bet this one was searching for higher ground to be safe from floods when going hibernating. He almost made it. We only have two species of true snakes: The grass snake and the common adder. I never saw the adder in the wild and the grass snake I only saw a few times.
Later today I started the car and went to pick up the snake, brought it home, and showed it to my kid, before I snatched a few pictures of it. Now it doesn’t look like a roadkill any longer. It rests peacefully in our garden.
Back home I did not feel like doing quick poses today so I just chose one pose and spent a bit longer time on it. I liked how defined this woman’s back is . This is somewhere around 10-15 mins work. Again it’s pencil on paper, using my new sketchbook.