I found a cool website. A webpage where I can choose total amount of sketches + sketch time. The page will switch random pictures of people to draw. So here goes: 53 sketches – each took 1 min.
The wepage is: www.quickposes.com

My biggest challenge with the sketches today was, that I constantly made them too big, so I ran out of drawing space, when I reached the legs. It was hard to draw with my wacom tablet. I made the lines very thick on purpose in the beginning, to try to not focus on details and then I made the lines thinner as work progressed.

In many of the sketches I like the flow and energy. I like that I can get a fluid body somewhat proportioned right, without having to add too many guide lines. And I like that in a few of these, I found time to feel the structure as a whole, the flow of the form.